Speed J2EE Productivity with CDB 4.1
In this walkthrough you will :
- Check Version of JDK and install Clear Data Builder Plugin4.1 to Eclipse IDE
- Create an instance of Tomcat servlet container to run inside Eclipse IDE
- Configure the database connection for future exercises
Check Version of JDK and install Clear Data Builder Plugin4.1 to Eclipse IDE
- Ensure JDK 1.6 is installed on your system
Download Eclipse IDE with relevent plugin
- Download the release build of the Clear Data Builder 4.1 from
- Open Eclipse and click help → Install new Software. In the dialog click Add.., navigate to location of the downloaded CDB4.1 archive and add click OK as shown in the snapshot below:
Follow all default prompt to install the plugin. Restart the Eclipse when prompted to.
Create the instance of Apache Tomcat in Eclipse IDE
- Create a new server in the server view of the J2EE perspective
- In the New Server dialog select Apache Tomcat and click Next
- Browse Directory to tomcat installation root and click Choose.
- Click finish. Verify that the server entry has been created in Eclipse Servers View
Create the Database Connection Profile
- Navigate to the DataSource Explorer View that is available in Eclipse JEE perspective. If you don’t see it, go to the menu Window → Show View → Data Management → Data Source Explorer.
- Right-mouse click DataBase Connections and select New.
- Right-mouse click DataBase Connections and select New
- Select the profile type Oracle and click Next
- The “New Connection Profile” dialog will show up.
- If this is the first installation of Oracle Database Profile in your Eclipse workspace, you will need to provide the location of the DBMS driver jar by clicking on the red-circle area next to the Driver combobox.
- This will open the New Driver Definition dialog shown below:
- Click on the Jar List and add the location on your disk of Oracle connector Jar Ojdbc6.jar
- Select properties tab to provide URL, User Name, and Password
- Check your connection by clicking on TestConnection
- Expend the new DataSource profile – it should look like this:
That’s all. Now You can start CDB project…
New CDB Project Demonstration
Select Dynamic web project
- In the dialog below, select the name of project and then click Modify to add CDB facets
- In the Project Facets dialogs, expend Clear Data Builder 4.1 Facets.
o Select CDB Web Project Facet
o Don’t select CDB Sample Project Facet
o Select Java Persistence Facet
- Click Ok and click next up to following dialog, Make sure Generate web.xml selected
- Start Configuration of JPA (Java Persistence API) setting
- Download BlazeDS 4 from
and browse it and click finish
- The Incremental build of the CDB will start. You will see following output in Console
- From Now you can start flex application in eclipse as usual.
Creating and Preparing JPA Entities for CDB
- Right click on Project Explorer, select JPA Tools → Generate Entities from Table
- Select Table for which you want to generate Java Annotation Code
- Check Table Association
- Select package and Sequence or Identity
- Click finish, Check Console few things are auto generated.
- You can create flex generated code, for this open DTO (Marked with 2 in above image) and add to
- Run Build.xml undercdb_jpa directory
- Clean project and run Ant Built you will see flex VO is generated as java DTO with Underscore prefix
- This is not enough you can generate Remote Service Configuration for flex side
Add this annotation to your interface and just save (Note: Make project Build automatically)
Thanks & Regards
Shailendra kr. shail